Attention Motor Vehicle Dealers

Use Quick Tax Quote Online Portal guru-right

Save Time | Eliminate Errors on Out-of-Sales Taxes


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Quick Tax Quote offers the best online portal to get Car Ad Valorem Tax.
We serve all dealers throughout the TN area including Summit, Durham, Smithtown, Smithtown, Taylor.

Major Features




How Quick Tax Quote Online Portal Works

50 states with 3,006 counties…and they all have different combinations of sales taxes, ad valorem taxes, use taxes, wheel taxes, title fees, registration fees, plate fees, clerk fees, mail fees, luxury taxes, special tax regions, etc. Fees that relate to the titling and registration of vehicles…taxes/fees that YOU need to collect and remit when you sell a vehicle. But how do you calculate all these taxes/fees without paying an expensive outside vendor or spending your valuable time on the phone with a DMV office?

With Quick Tax Quote Online Portal, you can calculate TN and other out-of-state Ad Valorem taxes, tag, title and other registration fees based on the customer’s zip code.  
You can use these rates to immediately and accurately calculate the correct taxes and fees for any out-of-state (or in-state) deals. Simply input your sale price and other deal numbers into the portal and the Quick Tax Quote Portal will display sales tax and other fees needed to give you the bottom line total.  It will also allow you to calculate a payment if desired.  The system will even give you the name and address of the correct DMV office for your customer’s location where the documents need to be sent for processing.  You can calculate taxes and quote figures for all your customers anytime online and even from a mobile phone or tablet.

Quick Tax Quote maintains an up-to-date database of all states sales tax rates and registration fees associated with the sale of a motor vehicle and other items that are taxable in out-of-state situations. We make it simple and easy for your business to comply with all of today’s interstate sales tax laws and regulations and quickly serve your customers.

Motor Vehicle – Sales and Use Tax for TN

Sample File
Output Sheet

Quick Tax Quote

QQ Badge Quick Tax Quote has complied all vehicle related registration fees and taxes (regardless of what the state/county calls them) you need to provide accurate quotes and paperwork for your customers based on their zip code and county. We even provide the appropriate required state documents (title app, odometer statement, etc.) all in one place.

QQ Badge Most importantly, you control the deal process from start to finish and no longer have to wait on an outside vendor to return a tax quote before you can provide your customer a quote and close the deal.

QQ Badge Quick Tax Quote Portal expedites your deal process and gets your money faster!

Quick Tax Demo – How it Works

Benefits Of Quick Tax Quote Online Portal



1)   Get instant, accurate quotes for all vehicle related fees/taxes (for any county in any state) immediately online. If the deal numbers change, you can instantly recalculate and prevent overcharges or undercharges.

One Fee


4)   One monthly fee for accessing the system, no more “per deal” charges. Process as many deals as you want for the same low monthly subscription fee.


2)   Get correct Tag, Title, registration and other required fees instantly for any state, including the address and contact information for the county DMV office.

Computer Access


5)   Access the system from any computer, tablet or mobile device that is connected to the internet.  Get a tax quote for your customer even if you are out on the lot showing a vehicle.

Multiple Users


3)   Multiple users can access the system and get quotes even if someone else is also getting a quote.  Increase efficiency and productivity by being able to get multiple quotes at once.

Control Deal


6)   Control your deal paperwork from start to finish.   Eliminate the high costs of expressing contracts and paper work back and forth to outside processing centers.  Finalize the deal quicker and get funded quicker.

Subscribing To Quick Tax Quote

With the Quick Tax Quote service, you only pay a monthly subscription fee to access the online portal. Here’s how it works:

QQ Badge We create an account for your dealership on the Quick Tax Quote Portal and all your sales/finance/office personnel will have access to the system to do their job and quickly serve your customers.

QQ Badge Since there are no “per quote/per deal” fees, you may use the system to create as many quotes as you want. You may allow multiple users to use the system to create quotes at the same time.

QQ Badge Their are several standard subscription packages available depending on the number of states you need and we can even create a custom package for you, if needed.

QQ Badge Additional modules can be added to the basic Quick Tax Quote Portal to increase functionality. Examples are: Inventory Control, Prospect CRM and Management Reporting.

QQ Badge
What is the sales tax on a car in Missouri?
State sales tax of 4.225 percent, plus your local sales tax Document on the purchase price, less trade-in allowance, if any; $8.50 title fee; Registration (license plate) fees, based on either taxable horsepower or vehicle weight; $6.00 title processing fee. Since taxes, registration fees and DMV charges can vary from county to county, it is recommended that you use our Quick Tax Quote Portal to get accurate numbers.
How do you figure sales tax on a car in Tennessee?
Calculate vehicle purchase price. Multiply purchase price by 7.0 percent state sales tax rate.Multiply the first $1600 by local sales tax rate. Multiply the next $1600 by 2.75 single article rate. Add these three tax rates together to find the total sales tax. The local tax rate can vary up or down by up to 1 percent and local tag and title and other fees will be different from county to county. For this reason it is recommended that you use our Quick Tax Quote Portal which calculates all items based on customer location.
How do you calculate sales tax on a car in Texas?
Sales: 6.25 percent of sales price, minus any trade-in allowance. The taxable value of private-party purchases of used motor vehicles may be based on the standard presumptive value. Local taxes and registration fees can vary from county to county and with vehicle classifications. It is recommended that you use our Quick Tax Quote Portal to get accurate and exact taxes and fees based on customer location.